Links to Tarot and related site web pages.

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I've just discovered this wonderful site: Robin Wood Ent. It has the Robin Wood deck (English and Spanish versions) and a book on the deck.

At the start of each week I draw a card to meditate upon during the week. This week I am using the Cosmic Tribe Tarot. This morning's card is the "Prince (Page) of Disks".

Here is the (textual) Tarot FAQ.

I found this nice Tarot web page: Tarot Passages

I love Teddy Bears. If you do too, check out Little Ted's New Adventure Semi-Transformation playing cards !!

The Tarot deck I am using these days is the Cosmic Tribe Tarot by stevee postman.

This is a great site for Tarot card collectors: aeclectic tarot. This web page includes Tarot deck reviews, a top-10 list, and information on new decks.

Welcome to Tarot Magic - Nice free readings with many decks.

US Games Systems - Tarot Cards, Playing Cards, Games

Tarot Links - "Tarot Links" has a list of Tarot Card dealers

Today I will collect some Tarot links, starting with this one: The American Tarot Association

Welcome to - a weblog devoted to my "daily readings".